The false testimony has been presented in a great way in the Qur'an and Hadith. Somewhere, false testimony has been compared to polytheism. He who believes can never give false testimony.
One of the qualities of the believers is that Allah says, 'Those who do not give false testimony' (Surah Al-Furqan-72).
In verse 30 of Surah Hajj, Allah says, "Stay away from false witness. It has been said in the hadith that false evidence is equal to shirk to Allah. (Abu Da'ud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'On the Day of Resurrection, he will not be able to move his legs till the judgment of hell for a false witness.' (Ibn Majah)
Imam al-Jahbih said, 'The person who gives false evidence, he commits some sins'
Firstly, he speaks false and delusional.
In this connection, Allah Ta'ala said in the Quran, "Allah does not guide the wasteful person to the liar." (Surah Al-Momin-28)
The second is: he is unjust against whom he gives false testimony. Because by this he earns respect in his life or value.
Third: He has wronged those who testify against him. Because, because of this false testimony, he arranges for the harm and enjoyment of the unlawful material for which the Hell is determined.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that if I order someone to give wealth to another believing brother, by the effect of false testimony, he should not accept it. Because that wealth is a piece of fire in his fire "(Bukhari and Muslim)
Fourthly, he makes a valid property, interference or other interference with respect to a prohibited asset, life or honor through false testimony.
The Messenger of Allah () said, "Am I not informing you of the biggest three poets?" Everyone said, yes, O Messenger of Allah! Of course tell me. He said, (Those are) (1) To associate with Allah; (2) Disobedience to parents, he was sitting reclining. He sat upright and said, (3) Give false testimony. It was said so many times that the Sahabah began to say in mind, 'And if he did not say it. (Bukhari)
False testimony is a criminal offense. The Messenger of Allah (াস) used to say that he would sit straight from sitting and recite several times to prove false evidence that false testimony is a grave crime. As well as concealing true testimony and giving false testimony.
So always give true testimony. The truth must be kept away from the secret. Allaah ta'ala bless the Muslim Ummah in giving witness to the truth. God Almighty Amin.
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